
We believe everyone deserves a life where they are free and able to thrive. While we have continuously worked to end the cycle of human trafficking, we know there are more victims out there who need our help. In the past five years, the significant rise of human trafficked victims has led us to redouble our efforts.
It is imperative to scale up our efforts further, grow our operations, and offer humanitarian assistance to tackle the root cause of modern slavery. We deeply understand that victims of human trafficking often have a long history of complex trauma that if not adequately cared, will result in their lives being shattered.
But shattered does not mean broken. Survivors like Lua have found Hagar as a trusted companion on a new path – a journey to become unbroken, renewed, and hopeful for the future.
Press play to learn about Lua’s journey.
Working closely with an expert Kintsugi practitioner, we documented the restoration of a broken bust exemplified by the story of Lua. We captured Lua’s ordeal and her recovery process to artistically symbolise our role to help her thrive, delivering her from the darkest period of life to the next chapter of a life glimmering with renewed hope.

Learn Lua’s story
Lua’s nightmare began with a simple glimmer of hope – an opportunity to provide her and her daughter with a better life.
Like any loving parent, Lua wanted to provide the best for her child’s education and upbringing. Lua knew she had to buy a larger home to provide her daughter a safer and comfortable environment, but the income from her sidewalk stall just wasn’t enough. She decided to take on a home loan for the sake of her daughter, taking on extreme economic burden in the process. In her desperation to make more money, she confided in a seemingly trustworthy customer with promises of a better life in the UK.
It turned out to be a trap. When Lua landed, she was held against her will and imprisoned by her human traffickers. She was maliciously starved, robbed of dignity, and forced to work on a cannabis farm in deplorable conditions. If she didn’t meet the trafficker’s expectations, she was brutally beaten. She endured her captor’s inhumane treatment for six more years.
At long last, with a stroke of luck and incredible courage, she broke out of her captivity to seek help nearby. She was soon freed, but deep physical and mental wounds remained in her psyche. Her health was deteriorating, and an eventual medical examination revealed a fatty tumor growing in her right arm. What’s more is the panic, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that clouded her mind in the days that followed.
Thankfully, Salvation Army UK connected her to Hagar Vietnam for support. Upon entering Hagar’s Whole Journey Program, she immediately received psychological first aid. The Whole Journey continued to provide help, guidance, and legal-aid throughout her trauma, assisting in the recovery from the darkest period of her life.
When Hagar staff met Lua in transit in her trip back home, she shared the following:
“I can see more challenges ahead in my return journey home… but I can’t wait a day longer to reunite with my mom and daughter. I’ve missed countless precious family event when I’ve been gone, and I won’t miss my child’s next milestone again. I am so thankful to have Hagar by my side through this time to help me. I trust Hagar like I would a family member and I feel both encouraged and motivated to move on with my life.”
“I am deeply touched and happy as
Hagar always listens and empathises
with my story.”
Learn Lua’s story
Lua’s nightmare began with a simple glimmer of hope – an opportunity to provide her and her daughter with a better life.
Like any loving parent, Lua wanted to provide the best for her child’s education and upbringing. Lua knew she had to buy a larger home to provide her daughter a safer and comfortable environment, but the income from her sidewalk stall just wasn’t enough. She decided to take on a home loan for the sake of her daughter, taking on extreme economic burden in the process. In her desperation to make more money, she confided in a seemingly trustworthy customer with promises of a better life in the UK.
Read more
It turned out to be a trap. When Lua landed, she was held against her will and imprisoned by her human traffickers. She was maliciously starved, robbed of dignity, and forced to work on a cannabis farm in deplorable conditions. If she didn’t meet the trafficker’s expectations, she was brutally beaten. She endured her captor’s inhumane treatment for six more years.
At long last, with a stroke of luck and incredible courage, she broke out of her captivity to seek help nearby. She was soon freed, but deep physical and mental wounds remained in her psyche. Her health was deteriorating, and an eventual medical examination revealed a fatty tumor growing in her right arm. What’s more is the panic, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that clouded her mind in the days that followed.
Thankfully, Salvation Army UK connected her to Hagar Vietnam for support. Upon entering Hagar’s Whole Journey Program, she immediately received psychological first aid. The Whole Journey continued to provide help, guidance, and legal-aid throughout her trauma, assisting in the recovery from the darkest period of her life.
When Hagar staff met Lua in transit in her trip back home, she shared the following:
“I can see more challenges ahead in my return journey home… but I can’t wait a day longer to reunite with my mom and daughter. I’ve missed countless precious family event when I’ve been gone, and I won’t miss my child’s next milestone again. I am so thankful to have Hagar by my side through this time to help me. I trust Hagar like I would a family member and I feel both encouraged and motivated to move on with my life.”
“I am deeply touched and happy as
Hagar always listens and empathises
with my story.”
Lives take years to build, seconds to break, and ages to repair. With your help, Hagar will continue to walk the whole journey with Lua and every survivor in our care – bringing them a step closer to completing their journey of healing. Contact us to learn more.
Join us and find out how you can help.
Our Plan
We are driven to expand our impact significantly in response to the scale of the problem. We want to apply our experience and passion to reach more survivors, in response to the fact that only 0.2 per cent of survivors have access to the support we know they need to heal and thrive.
Partnering with us to deliver on three priority areas will make the most difference in our mission to see a world free and healed from the trauma of human trafficking, slavery and abuse.
You will help us to move from
50,000 to 300,000
beneficiaries each year.
You can help more people rebuild their lives after trauma and prevent more people from being trafficked by supporting Hagar’s direct Prevention and Survivor Support Programs.
You can help Hagar establish a research-backed Center of Excellence partnering local organizations to deliver support and prevention programs, scaling the availability of programs.
You can help Hagar put in place the right resources to support our growth to tackle human trafficking, slavery and abuse.
You can help more people rebuild their lives after trauma and prevent more people from being trafficked by supporting Hagar’s direct Prevention and Survivor Support Programs.
You can help Hagar to establish a research-backed Center of Excellence to partner with local organizations to deliver world class survivor support and prevention programs, scaling the availability of programs.
You can help Hagar put in place the right resources to support our growth to tackle human trafficking, slavery and abuse.
Join Our Movement
Hagar is committed to creating a world free and healed from human trafficking, slavery and abuse.
But we need you to walk with us to achieve this.

Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you’re supporting survivors to heal from the trauma of severe abuse. Our work is dependent on charitable giving by people like you.
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